Connecting With Other Giving Circle Leaders

Interested in staying in touch with news and updates from the Alliance and other giving circles and giving circle leaders? Then please be sure to do the following:

Look to the above right on this website page. See the social media links for Facebook and YouTube? Click on them to “like” or follow us in one or all of these social media communities.

  • Our Facebook GROUP is a closed group for giving circle leaders where you can share best practices easily with one another.
  • Our Facebook PAGE is where we share memes you can use in your own social media campaigns, as well as news about the 100 Who Care movement, which includes recent press, donations made, community awards received and new giving circle shout-out’s.
  • Our YouTube channel is where we compile and share videos from various giving circles. Watch what others are doing and/or be inspired to create your own video!
  • Follow us on Instagram at 100WhoCareAlliance and share you giving circle photos by using the hashtag.

You can also connect with giving circles individually by visiting our list of existing giving circles. Each link will take you to a giving circle’s website or Facebook page.

Lastly, be sure to include the hashtag #thePOWERof100 in your social media use to be part of the global conversation.