Giving Circle Resources

The Alliance began as a way for giving circle leaders of the various 100 Who Care groups to network as well as learn from and share best practices with one another. As a result of our inaugural conference in May 2015, it was determined that the Alliance would provide resources for all of our giving circle leaders to aid in the communication and ongoing operations of new and existing giving circles. All information provided and shared herein is an amalgamation of resources provided by all giving circles throughout the world. At the conference, this completely volunteer driven umbrella was charged to:

  • Provide new and developing giving circles with access to start-up materials
  • Create and maintain a website
  • Create and maintain an updated master list of all operational and developing giving circles that all giving circles could link to on their own websites
  • Create and maintain social media outlets and our social media hashtag: #thePOWERof100
  • Create an active blog
  • Create a private intranet
  • Capture giving circle donation numbers to show global impact
  • Plan and host leadership and networking conferences for giving circle leaders

Throughout this section and throughout this website, please find these tools, which will aid you in being part of the global alliance of 100 Who Care giving circles and the ongoing global conversation.

Best Practices Training
Link to Zoom training calls from everything about how to launch a giving circle during a pandemic to how to collect the funds.

Connect with Other Giving Circles
This details how you can connect with other giving circle leaders in one of our social forums.

These were compiled for developing giving circles, but are helpful to you as you navigate challenges or changes in your own giving circle.

This is the official history of 100 Women Who Care and how founder Karen Dunigan organized the first giving circle in Jackson, MI to fund baby cribs.

Media Relations Talking Points
If you are about to be interviewed, be sure you know how to speak about the history of 100 Who Care and the 100 Who Care Alliance.

Press Release Basics
Here are some helpful hints to get you writing winning press releases.

Quick Tips
These were compiled from all the giving circle leaders attending the inaugural conference.

Sample Forms
Looking to update a form or add a form for your giving circle’s use?  Here are sample generic forms for you to personalize for your giving circle.